(1ST WORLD PROBLEMS is the astonishing regular feature from iam___. In it, we discuss REAL issues facing REAL people in an adult and candid fashion. Let's see wtf is going on, hmmm?)
Y'all. As you know, I am constantly trying to take my social networking presence and general situation to such great heights when OTI, but I am also very interested in the opportunity to 'cum' when AFK.
Y'all. As you know, I am constantly trying to take my social networking presence and general situation to such great heights when OTI, but I am also very interested in the opportunity to 'cum' when AFK.
Recently, I'm starting to feel really misled and confused by padded bras and other Breast Deficiency Countermeasures aka BDC.
(Might copywrite ^^^ this acronym so plz don't steal :-) happyface.)
Worried about being 'let down' by this 'fucking bullshit' when I get to see what lies beneath, similarly to the major motion picture, What Lies Beneath.
Don't want to cause a scene / rock the boat / 'be that guy' - but also need to stay true to my beliefs.
As you know, I'm constantly emailing / cyberbulling my local MP with helpful suggestions, gentle reprimands, and proposals for sweeping change to local and national legislation. I'm also really active on several politics forums and I'm also kind of a big deal in the ePetition scene.
Do you think that it's 'high effing time' to reallocate funds from boring stuff (like maths, science, and PE) and redirect the money towards mandatory bewb jobs?
Can't bear the thought of some broad staring into the mirror with a bra full of lies staring back at her /:-/ compassionate-face.
Obvs, a small-breasted woman is not without her charms. From what I understand, there's a certain 'je ne sais quoi' about every woman. Each one's a petal drifting down from the tree of life.
Sometimes feel 'completely chuffing overwhelmed' by the beauty of it all.
Sometimes feel like, "OMG."