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Thursday, 9 January 2014


Just wondering if y'all have heard of the mystical land of Cambodia? From what I understand it's 'sort of like Thailand 5-10 years ago but so much more real, y'all'. It's like you can literally find yourself and learn to FEEL again.
That's a feeling that we'd all like to feel again :-( sadface.

"This is no bullshit, bro. This is the real shit." - A Bro

I've had 2 meals in 4 days. The flight here is 'complete fucking bullshit' [via transfers and miscellaneous Brown airports]. You gain an hour. You lose an hour.

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that it's Friday but it might still be Thursday. Life is so complicated that sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed by it all.
Sort of feel like the bro in the major motion picture That American Beauty; I am looking at the plastic bag situation and I am also looking for meaning. 
I've been hurt before - but I'm also willing to take a chance. On life.
I'm hungry. 1 beer costs about £1 a pint, give or take, but I need to eat something real. The food's not as nice as it was Thailand; I remember a circlejerk of spice and colour, whereas Cambodian food is more meat and 2 veg.

Obviously, I'm being scammed by the locals. The scam here is that 'they' offer you booze (which they get for cheap) and then 'you' reciprocate with booze (which is effing expensive) or 'you' get cut :-O amazed-face. It's really just another day at the office for the locals - but we can't hold it against them - we must do literally whatever it takes to alleviate the White Guilt, be that a charity funrun for Darfur or dying to death on the streets of Phnom Phen. To put it into perspective, a bro who works at a 'piece of shit minimum wage Tesco' job earns about $70-$100 a month. £1 is worth $1.60. 1 beer costs £1. 

I would scam me, were the situations flip reversed, y'all.
/:-/ concerned-face.


When was the last time that you FEEL?
I feel that I look very kewl wearing a cut down T Shirt vest situation / aviator combo back in England, but here I feel that pasty-white tubby English-bros have spoiled the party for everyone, so now I don't know what to think.
Do we, as strong Caucasians living our modern lives in the 1st World, have a responsibility not to act like effing retards on tour to raise our nation's collective personal brand? (I'm talking about England, but also Australians and miscellaneous Europeans.)
Which of the following is the most entry level personal branding solution:
a) Baggy sadsack pants?
b) Miscellaneous MGMT headband?
c) Friendship bracelet personal branding decisions?
d) Tye-dye malfunctions?
e) Overweight broad / crop top combo?
f) 'Found myself Gwen Stefani Bindi 1990' situation?

Feeling very confused about our nation's collective brand when overseas.

Feeling like I need to turn the tide.
Feeling _____.

Today has been brought to you by CAMBODIA, but also by self-awareness and PERSONAL BRANDING.

1 comment:

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