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Wednesday 18 September 2013


(1st World Problems is a regular feature on iam___ where we explore the many dangers which threaten us as self-aware members of the 1st World. Let's see what today's situation is.)


Hey, y'all. As y'all know - we must constantly be striving to improve our quality of life in the 1st World. We have a responsibility to 'show the others how it's done'. 

We must constantly:

  • Exploit those less self-aware than we are to provide us with goods and services 'for the right price'.
  • Avoid paying for things that we're entitled to (MP3s, utility bills, unsecured wireless networks).
  • Do Flash Mobs / change our Facebook profile pictures to facilitate change.
  • Do charity funruns to placate the White Guilt.

I am planning to send a strongly worded email / create an e-Petition to complain about emergency services vehicles; the unacceptable noise which they make startles me and potentially compromises my personal brand. 
Remember, you NEVER know who's watching you, analysing you, and judging you. That's a fact. Can you afford to be 'caught with your pants down' and show fear, hmmm?

Unfortunately, I have not researched the issue - but if I had to guess - I would say that the sirens are loud for the following reasons:
a) To make people notice that THIS is an emergency.
b) 'A small man syndrome'.
c) Show off.
d) Too many buddy-cop films (Lethal Weapon, K9 Police Dog, The Other Guys).
e) To cut through the noise of the modern urban environment.
f) Because it is fun.
g) Very selfish reasons.

As you're no doubt aware, we ALL have emergencies in today's modern world.
Come. Let us reflect:

  • Mobile phone on low battery.
  • Shop about to close.
  • Late for work. "I hope middle management / management does not notice. I do not need this so close to my quarterly pay review."
  • Several important things that need doing during a 1 hour lunch break.
  • Extending our social network.

Who's to say who's emergency is more pressing?
OURS, as we walk from A to B trying to have a conversation on our phone ffs.
SOME OLD DEAR, who can't feel her legs.

Take care of y'allselves.
<3 heart symbol.

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