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Monday 1 April 2013

01/04/2013 - VAGUE-BOOKING

Hello, niggas.

Today I'd like to talk (type) to you about vague-booking.

You've probably come across it in your travels across the internets, specifically with Facebook. A good example of this is when a nig (male or female nig) is having relationship malfunctions and posts an very ambiguous status about their situation. 
A vague status. 
A vague-book.

What they're hoping for is a flood of concerned replies / compassionate BS / meaningful advice / well-wishing / _____ . (Maybe some likes, too.)

I'm not sure what liking this sort of status actually translates to. Is it:
A) "Eff you. H8 you. Glad you're sad >:-( angryface."
B) "I support you in your time of need <3 heart symbol."

Here's an example:

"Ugh. Hate it when people are selfish >:-( angryface." - OP
"Oh no, sister. Be strong!" - Friend 1
"What is wrong? I hope that you are ok, babe." - Friend 2
"Let me know if you needs help. (No sex, obviously.)" - White Knight

Here's an example:

Anyways, I digress. 
Yesterday my nigga did exactly this. 
He's having catastrophic relationship malfuctions.
My advice to him was to, "Kill yourself xx."

Not sure if this was the correct response - and certainly not what he was hoping for.

Fortunately the next day he was still alive. 

(Sort of feel that he is too much of a _____ to actually kill himself, anyways.)

This situation has taught me a valuable lesson. 

"We cannot turn away from our responsibility to the lols.
We must be fearless.
Fearless in our pursuit,
our pursuit of the lols." - A Haiku ©. Plz don't copy. 

Just thinking (typing) outloud, really. 

Today has been brought to you, by VAGUE-BOOKING.
Peace out, nigs. xx

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